The Apothecaries were growing weary. They had waged their battles against the Lords of Pestilence for many moons and their power was slowly becoming depleted. Their potent elixirs were beginning to fail them – the Lords of Pestilence had learned to use the elixirs to strengthen themselves!
They sat in a circle staring into the fire and pondered their impending defeat. With such limited numbers, the Apothecaries knew that spawning offspring was unlikely. There had to be another solution. Then, it happened – like a smooth drink of spring water, the “Ancient One” flowed into their camp like an answer to their prayers. Princess Hygiena had returned!
At first glance, her unassuming demeanor made her appear fragile. The Apothecaries, however, knew better and rose to greet her. With humble bows, they praised her return. She had never really left, she had always been there for them, but it was not in her powers to do battle unless she was summoned. In order for her magic to work, she had to be called on often. One missed summon, and her spell would be broken. Princess Hygiena was the most ancient and powerful of all of the warriors. She was well versed in the old magic. She reached into her satchel and produced the ingredients for a powerful potion. The sacred twin hydrogens were cleaved with the omnipotent oxygen in a blaze of glory. She retrieved a sprig of Cholorgalum pomeridianum root from the ancient soap plant and carefully mixed the brew. The Apothecaries looked on while the mixture coalesced in a bubbling iridescent swirl. A dram of this tonic could indiscriminately wipe out dozens of colonies in mere seconds. As the sun began to rise, they steeled themselves for another day of battle….To be continued.