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Occam’s Razor featured in Health Tech Weekly

October 17, 2013/0/0/

  Jamie Davis, aka Podmedic, featured Occam’s Razor in a recent Health Tech Weekly episode. The Health Tech Weekly show issues brief updates on technology and health applications in the real world. Jamie Davis, RN, EMT-P, B.A., A.S., and host of Health Tech Weekly, is a nationally recognized medical educator who began educating new emergency responders […]

News, Occam's Razor, Reviews

Tower Defense (Diabetes Mellitus Version II.0)

October 12, 2012/0/0/

Diabetes is a serious health problem. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2011 it was projected that 25.8 million people in the United States suffered from diabetes (equating to about 8.3% of the US population) with 18.8 million people diagnosed with diabetes and a projected 7.0 million people who were […]

Concepts, Games, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants, Reviews, Uncategorized

Pandemics: Deadly and… Entertaining

October 4, 2012/0/0/

I got an ipad this year and one of the first things I did was start searching for science and medicine themed games. The main game that seems to be making waves is a game called Plague Inc., by Ndemic Creations, that was inspired by Pandemic 2.5., by Dark Realm Studios. And I would be […]


Enter Naruto: Kage Bunshin and Medicine

October 1, 2012/0/0/

As a blogger for Nerdcore Learning and through its vision and spirit, I try to keep my posts revolved around merging a “nerdy” idea (usually involving video games, comics, and the likes) with an aspect of medicine (which I suppose would also be “nerdy” but more importantly, the “learning” perspective). In this post, I hope […]

Concepts, Games, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants, Reviews, Uncategorized

More Physics, More Skyrim

January 4, 2012/0/0/

After doing some further gameplay to explicitly test the physics of Skyrim, I felt the need to do some background on the physics engine at hand. The engine, which many of you have probably heard of before, is the Havok physics engine. This is a collision-based physics engine that focuses on the dynamic interaction between […]

Concepts, Games, Random Stuff, Reviews

My Summer of Michael Fassbender

November 13, 2011/0/0/

Before this summer, I had no idea who Michael Fassbender was. In truth, I had come across his work in Tarantino’s impressive Inglorious Basterds, in which Fassbender portrayed a British spy behind enemy lines passing as a Nazi officer in one of the films more tense sequences. Still, I merely thought of him as a […]

Concepts, Rants, Reviews , , ,

Nerdcore MD Shoe Review

February 8, 2010/2/0/

Scrubs and shoes – there’s really not much a guy or gal can say about style on the medical floors. In ‘The Hospitalist Manual’, I talk about how ‘scrub culture’ is invading the last vestiges of decency within medicine, and that, in terms of style, we’re all just become one homogenized assembly line of teal […]

Geekdom, Reviews , , ,

World War Z : Brain Food

September 30, 2009/0/0/

Move over George Romero, your zombies are pups compared to what Max Brooks has created. World War Z, an Oral History of the Zombie Wars, is more shocking than anything you’ve ever read or seen, because it seems so real. The novel is made up of a series of interviews of survivors from around the […]

Reviews , , , , , , , , ,

Is it Just Me, Or are Casual Games Becoming More Intelligent?

August 20, 2009/0/0/

So I’m addicted to Space Invaders Infinity Gene on the iPhone. This is probably the first game that has really opened up the possibilities of my phone as a mobile gaming platform – I mean I dabbled with Real Racing and The Secret of Monkey Island (SE), but I keep coming back to SIIG. My […]

Games, Reviews , , , ,


June 8, 2009/0/0/

Just saw Up. Pixar have done it again, but you already knew that. I’ll try to keep my gushing to a manageable flow. I walked into Up purposefully not having watched any of the trailers, maintaining a media blackout of sorts. And while I enjoyed Wall-E, it didn’t resonate with me as other Pixar films […]

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