Category: Concepts

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Do Real-Time Achieving Games Aid Productivity?

November 17, 2013/0/0/

Before I begin, I have to disclose that this idea was stolen from my girlfriend (with permission). Additionally, it is an idea that I practice often, which I used to do daily, and solely based on personal experience with no medical evidence. So the question that I pose is: do real-time achieving games aid your […]

Concepts, Games, Random Stuff, Rants, Uncategorized , , , , ,

Superheroes of Science: A Retrospective Translational Inspiration into Action Figures

January 20, 2013/0/0/

Superheroes have always permeated into the lives of children with their charismatic personalities, amazing super powers, and pure awesomeness. What started as a historical catalyst of inspiration for generations of people has quickly turned into an integrated facet in our American culture. As we examine superheroes in this context of the American culture, some examples […]

Concepts, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants, Uncategorized


January 2, 2013/0/0/

So we here at NCL are huge fans of John D. Boswell a.k.a Melodysheep. He is the creative spark behind science infused chocolatey auto-tuned goodness. We’re so in love with his work that we’ve decided to do a series of blog posts based on the subjects of his videos. The Melodysheep crew’s latest project is […]


Tower Defense (Diabetes Mellitus Version II.0)

October 12, 2012/0/0/

Diabetes is a serious health problem. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2011 it was projected that 25.8 million people in the United States suffered from diabetes (equating to about 8.3% of the US population) with 18.8 million people diagnosed with diabetes and a projected 7.0 million people who were […]

Concepts, Games, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants, Reviews, Uncategorized

Enter Naruto: Kage Bunshin and Medicine

October 1, 2012/0/0/

As a blogger for Nerdcore Learning and through its vision and spirit, I try to keep my posts revolved around merging a “nerdy” idea (usually involving video games, comics, and the likes) with an aspect of medicine (which I suppose would also be “nerdy” but more importantly, the “learning” perspective). In this post, I hope […]

Concepts, Games, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants, Reviews, Uncategorized

On writing – a Redditor’s words of inspiration.

August 12, 2012/0/0/

I came across this on Reddit, the other day, and had to share.  The original post is located here: I wish I could speak to my 14 year old self and tell myself a few things. 14 was around the age I “decided” to become a writer. So please read what I have to say […]

Concepts, Rants

BlakLotus has entered the arena . . .

August 5, 2012/0/0/

Some of the things that we ponder here from time to time at NCL are: a) Where are we now? b) Where are we going? c) Is this stuff worth fighting for? These kinds of questions should pepper the mind of anyone engaged in creative projects.  It is so easy to become mired in the insanity […]

Concepts, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants, Updates

Gamers Get Girls

July 22, 2012/0/0/

A while ago, I received a unique and interesting graphic called “Gamers Get Girls” that can be accessed at (; also shown below. The graphic is designed in an elegant retro-bit-style fashion, and easily conveys a proposal of how online gaming connects people romantically and is more efficacious than dating sites such as or […]

Concepts, Games, Random Stuff, Rants , , , ,

The Will of a Green Lantern

June 28, 2012/0/0/

Spring break is one of those times in a medical student’s career that keeps the student both sane and human. Many of my peers would attest to my confession that spring break is a time to catch up with life, friends, family, and also to prepare for the final push of the semester. Fortunately as […]

Concepts, Geekdom, Random Stuff, Rants , , , , , , ,

KINECTing with Your Physiology

March 16, 2012/0/0/

A few weeks ago, I gave into my desire of buying a Kinect for my Xbox 360 for the sole purpose of playing the game Fruit Ninja Kinect. Over my winter break, after a crazy semester of medical school, I had the wonderful chance to play the game on my cousin’s 360 console and immediately […]

Concepts, Games, Random Stuff, Rants, Uncategorized , , , , ,