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The World Needs Heroes

June 10, 2010/12/0/

The real-time strategy game, World of Warcraft III (not to be confused with the MMORPG WoW) – same company, different game, introduced the world to the concept of the Hero Unit.  Essentially these where characters in the game that you controlled like regular units, but would have special powers and typically be more effective on […]

The Healing Blade, Updates ,

On Creativity

June 8, 2010/0/0/

One of the great joys I derive from practicing medicine is the ability to be creative in terms of figuring out solutions for my patients. There are myriad different ways of approaching the multiple issues affecting hospitalized patients. And while we have evidence based standards of care which should be held with the highest regard, […]

Geekdom, Rants, The Healing Blade ,

On Sexuality and the Healing Blade

June 5, 2010/4/0/

A few days ago, we woke up to the sound of concern.  It seemed to be permeating from our comments board.  In particular, this one: You folks are businessfolks, right? You’re interested in selling as much stuff as possible, right? I read about Healingblade in The Scientist, immediately thought of how much fun it would […]

Random Stuff, Rants, The Healing Blade, Updates , , , ,

On Artistic License (or lack thereof)

June 2, 2010/2/0/

On the very same day that the AMA story about The Healing Blade hit, a second less than flattering story was also making its way around the intertubes – one that went a little bit like this: Dan Barrett, or @dangerawesome on twitter, brought it to our attention. A new gaming product ‘Healing Blade’ has a […]

Rants, The Healing Blade , , , ,

THB Pestilence Profile – Bartonella henselae

May 30, 2010/0/0/

This feline creature has a propensity for clawing attacks, going directly for its victims eyes (cunjunctivitis) and viscera (endocarditis and hepatitis). Rarely, the creatures bite can induce a feverish delerium (encephalitis).   Which Apothecary heroes seem to be able to overcome this fearsome creature?  Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Erythromycin and Ciprofloxacin.  

The Healing Blade ,


May 28, 2010/0/0/

We’ve made a ripple on the gentle wave of counter-culture that is Nerdcore HipHop. A few days ago we got a shoutout from BlakLotus, the bassist for one particular MCFrontalot, seen by many as the group of individuals that pioneered the Nerdcore movement. How epic is that?  Here’s a little bit of NCL trivia for […]

Geekdom, Random Stuff , , ,

Apologies for our Quietness (Ninja Training will do that)

May 27, 2010/0/0/

It’s been a roller-coaster few weeks here at NCL. Between inquires from the media, bug squashing with the game, organizing the next print run and dealing with art issues (see an upcoming post) it has been a veritable grab-bag of Vulcans experiencing Pon-Farr.  Still, these, we believe, are good problems to have.  We also realize that really […]

Rants , , ,

A Post without Image

May 7, 2010/0/0/

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Uncategorized , , , ,

CCGamers Games for Troops Drive

May 7, 2010/0/0/

Dan Alpers, over at CCGamers, brought to our attention the solid work that is going on over there. Yet another example of folks getting together, gaming together and supporting a worthy cause. This is the kindof stuff that makes our little nerdcore hearts flutter. We’ll be sending a few copies of ‘The Healing Blade’ their […]

Games, Geekdom, Hope connects kids , ,

Oh the candy coated goodness of the interwebs . . .

April 28, 2010/2/0/

Well, ever since this particular story dropped, and subsequently made it to twitter, reddit and boing-boing, our little corner of the meta-verse has been hopping of late. The outpouring of support, interest and general awesomesauce has been nothing other than awe-inspiring. A very Nerdcore thank you to you fellow gamers out there! Getting right down […]

The Healing Blade, Updates , ,