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The Lost Art: Chapter II

January 11, 2012/0/0/

While the happy reunion with Princess Hygiena was taking place, Clostridium difficile sat silently beneath the cover of darkness plotting his quest for total gastrointestinal domination.  Billions of innocent Normal F’Lora had fled from their ravaged homeland after the Apothecaries had made an unsuccessful attempt to banish the Lords of Pestilence.  “Friendly fire” and the […]

Geekdom, Rants, The Healing Blade

I Cheated on You with an NPC

January 10, 2012/0/0/

My wife and I often discuss my various dalliances with other women. The only way I am able to say that without fear of genuine physical harm is because I’m referring to my relationships with women who happen to be video game characters. As narratives in games become more complex, it stands to reason that […]

Geekdom, Rants , , , ,

The Lost Art

January 6, 2012/0/0/

The Apothecaries were growing weary.  They had waged their battles against the Lords of Pestilence for many moons and their power was slowly becoming depleted.  Their potent elixirs were beginning to fail them – the Lords of Pestilence had learned to use the elixirs to strengthen themselves! They sat in a circle staring into the […]

Geekdom, Rants, The Healing Blade, Uncategorized

More Physics, More Skyrim

January 4, 2012/0/0/

After doing some further gameplay to explicitly test the physics of Skyrim, I felt the need to do some background on the physics engine at hand. The engine, which many of you have probably heard of before, is the Havok physics engine. This is a collision-based physics engine that focuses on the dynamic interaction between […]

Concepts, Games, Random Stuff, Reviews

The Physics of Skyrim

January 2, 2012/0/0/

The room is dark, musty, and strangely cold. You can’t quite figure out what it is that chills you, but the source must be here. As you reach out to feel the walls, you are startled by low-hanging moss. There is water in the air, meaning a source of water must be nearby. With a […]

Games, Random Stuff

Lord of Pestilence Profile — Helicobacter pylori

January 1, 2012/0/0/

Description (Healing Blade Lore) Helicobacter pylori are formidable members of the Gram Negative Legion that primarily affect the central regions of Soma’s aqueduct.  They take advantage of the waste produced by Soma’s natural aqueduct inhabitants to generate the energy they need to survive, and have adapted to the relatively low oxygen levels of the semi-aquatic […]

The Healing Blade ,

Hmmm . . . Wanna write for NCL?

December 23, 2011/0/0/

We’re looking for a few fresh new voices in the world of NerdcoreLearning to bring us experiences of geekery with a medical flavor. Of course you needn’t be a doc or med-student to write for the ‘Core – in fact, we’re just looking for people who are passionate about learning and creativity in general. Contact […]

Random Stuff ,

Digital Healing 2/2

December 21, 2011/0/0/

“I’m actually still playing Sons of Liberty (the sequel to MGS on the Playstation 2), and am stuck on the part where you have to defeat that army of huge serpentine robots called Rays.” “Easy. Just use chaffs to scramble their radars, stay in the corners, and wait until their mouths open to attack – […]

Hope connects kids, Rants , ,

Apothecary Profile — Cefazolin

December 18, 2011/0/0/

Description (Healing Blade Lore) Cefazolin is one of the mighty patriarchs of the Cephalosporin family. He was once a great warrior, defeating the likes of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus Lords with ease, but many of these beastly threats have evolved to avoid Cefazolin’s predictable attack. But the legendary Apothecary is not retired yet. He is still […]

The Healing Blade ,

Digital Healing 1/2

December 14, 2011/0/0/

Bahamut translated means Dragon King. He was a 24-year-old who had been admitted to my service the night before. On checkout rounds I remember being impressed by the sheer multitude of pathologies that were at play in this young man’s body. The primary ailment was lymphoma – a cancer of one of the lymphatic cells […]

Concepts, Hope connects kids , ,