The Physics of Skyrim

January 2, 2012/0/0
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The room is dark, musty, and strangely cold. You can’t quite figure out what it is that chills you, but the source must be here. As you reach out to feel the walls, you are startled by low-hanging moss. There is water in the air, meaning a source of water must be nearby. With a waterway there is an outlet, there is freedom. You begin to feel along the cold stone walls, hoping to come across a door. After stepping in a puddle and walking an eternity of 20 feet, it dawns on you that the source of water is above you. You are underground with no light and a low chance of survival. What do you do?

The answer is to continue along the path the game allotted to you, since the sequence of these dungeons is linear. However, there is one great obstacle in your path, the one thing that is truly the source of your dread: The mule cart. A simple cart meant to be drawn by a beast with the intention of delivering goods is the greatest threat in this damp dungeon of horror, but why is that? Well, there is (or at least, was. It’s probably been fixed by now) a physics issue with the mule carts of Skyrim.

Upon walking over an upturned mule cart, the cart will sporadically fly across the room and bounce off of whatever surfaces are available. Worst of all, this mule cart is deadly. That’s right, it’s a murderous mule cart with a dark past and an angry heart. I ventured down the very same dark path that you did, but my journey was abruptly cut short by this devilish fiend. However, I was apparently not the last of his victims…

Unlucky Man Attacked by Mule Cart!

Though very frightening, we must consider this incident and use it as a springboard moving forward. We must learn from this and be cautious of other “Mule Carts” in games, as they serve as constant reminders that physics aren’t always on our side. With the cart in mind, let us be thankful that our world doesn’t have flying mule carts. Or fire-breathing dragons, for that matter.

– M.B
